Do you sometimes fast?

Fasting isn't something I practice regularly, but I have tried different types occasionally for potential health benefitsand reglious. I'll do shorter intermittent fasts from time to time, like stopping eating by 8pm and not having my first meal until noon the next day and during ramadan.

Would you like to reach the centennial age?

Reaching the centennial age would certainly be an incredible milestone, but I'm not sure I'd actually want to live that long. I would worry about potential loss of independence, health issues, and seeing loved ones pass before me. Quality of life is most important. If I could remain physically and mentally vibrant into my 100s, then perhaps. But just extending life for the sake of longevity doesn't appeal to me without maintaining a certain vitality.

Hiring event planner for your events

I actually prefer taking the DIY approach to save money when possible. There's a certain satisfaction that comes from meticulously organizing all the details myself. Plus, it allows me to fully customize every aspect exactly how I envision it. As long as I budget enough time, I don't mind putting in the extra effort and getting creative to make my event special without the high planner fees.

seasonal foods?

Absolutely, I really enjoy the anticipation and flavors that come with seasonal foods! One treat I eagerly await every autumn is fresh apple cider. There's nothing quite like sipping that first mug of warm, crisp cider on a cool fall day. It immediately invokes all the cozy feelings of the season. I love adding a cinnamon stick for an extra homey aroma.

Do you Like Carrot Juice?

I have to admit, carrot juice is an acquired taste that I've grown to appreciate over time. At first, the dense, earthy flavor struck me as a bit too vegetal. But as I've become more health conscious, I've come to crave that nutrient packed, vibrant orange elixir. I actually find it quite sweet and satisfying now, especially when combined with bright citrus notes or zingy ginger.

